A steampunk lace book

Haaa, I feel better. I had this book nagging me to be made. I love the ‘steampunk’ theme, but I’m never too sure how to approach it.

It seems that lace and steampunk would go well.

I am grateful to all the people who allowed me to use their ideas or their artwork images in my book:

-Ingrid Dijkers for the fabulous gear page, and the beads page

-I took the floating girl page from Lynne Perella’s book, Artists Journal

- I used two small domino images from Artchix, and bigger images from Deviant

-I used, at last, my Tim Holtz masks. Winking smile)

- I used my own cabinet cards, as well as lace paper, antique jewelry, vintage lace and ribbons,

 CIMG4396CIMG4398CIMG4400CIMG4403CIMG4408This right page was an accident. I used a tissu paper that completely disappeared under the gel medium, so I ended up covering it with gold paint from Kroma in Vancouver, and it looks rather amazing now.



There are more photos of it on my Etsy site.

Now back to painting, but I really want to make another book on Paris, then one on Provence, then…

So  much fun, so little time!

Another lace book

Here is my latest. You can drool, but don’t covet, it’s already found a home. It’s going to France, where all the cabinet cards come from.

I just discovered that it’s not that easy to photograph lace, because it doesn’t have much contrast.

When I started this book, I worried it wouldn’t be ‘thick enough’. I had 3 signatures of 4 double pages each. They look like nothing on my studio table. But after a week of painting and filling up with lace, I had to remove one of the signatures, because the book was becoming really outrageous. It’s still 3 inches thick, and full of lusciousness.

You be the judge!
