Blog giveaway

How nice of you to visit!
Come in, it’s nice and sunny in Palm Springs today, 72F, almost summer. I have lived here since July, seeking the endless sun.
My name is Socrates, and this is my faithful studio assistant, Paul, working hard by the pool…
Come in! Have a look!
I make lace books, beaded jewelry, and I paint abstract paintings.
CIMG6770Based on sherri design
The paintings are on canvas, 36x48
CIMG3822 a
I also love to make lace books. Here:

At the moment, I’m putting together a tutorial on how I make these fabric collages. It will be available in the next week, so come back to find out.
And in honor of your visit, I created a vintage Paris journal, just for you. You don’t have to become of follower, although I’d love you to, so we can meet again. All you need do is leave a comment on this post.
On Feb 1, all of the  members of the blog hop will have their draw. I will pick a  name at random from the comments list and one of you will receive this vintage Paris journal. Here it is, full of old laces which I buy on Ebay or find at garage sales. There are doilies, mattress ticking, pieces of old jewelry, and plenty of painted and white pages inside for you to keep notes and records, or add photos:
This is the inside front cover, with a little pocket, and the first page, lightly painted.CIMG6754CIMG6755
This is the inside back cover, with more lace and beaded lace. And the back cover, with a printed map of Paris on fabric, more lace and some vintage buttons.
And the spine, with some charms, because you ARE a Star!!!!!CIMG6758
Let me know if you would like me to make a piece for you, either lace book or jewelry. I would be happy to.
Be sure to leave a comment today, and come back on the 1st of February when I will announce the winner!
Good luck, and thank you for your visit. And be sure to visit the other blogs:


  1. I have always wanted one of your lace books .... or painting. Thanks for a chance to win one!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. WOW, what a generous give away! I've always been so inspired by your art. Your lace books are AMAZING and quite lovely!
    Sweet blessings, Chris

  4. Beautiful giveaway, Sox.... amazing. And, your Blog, you, Paul, and the studio just keep growing more lovely each day. Hugs from Alaska. Might win the lacebook! Smiles....

  5. I'm joining with you in Vicki's GYB party Sox!

    Palm Springs looks very inviting - lovely to see little Paul busy doing his planning in his office by the pool - priceless!

    You are offering such a generous giveaway - the lucky person who wins it will have ownership of the future heirloom for their family.

    Enjoy the party
    Shane ♥
    PS - please do come over and enter my little giveaway too!

  6. Your journal is so beautiful, thank you for sharing. It is lovely to find new blogs to visit.

  7. Your lace books are stunning and I would love to win one.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Can't believe you are giving away this beautiful book!!

  9. I have learned so much from you!! I dont know whether to thank u for that or blame u for a new obsession!

  10. I love your work Socrates, i have been following your paintings for a while a find them so inspirational.
    Lovely idea for the giveaway, book arts are my love , so I cant resist the opportunity to win these little treasure!
    thank you!!


  11. Sox, it has been lovely meeting you recently! I love your journal and I think I'm beginning to feel the itch for lace!! lol Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous work.

  12. Wow, Sox, it´s beautiful - please count me in!

  13. Oh My this is just lovely.. I love it.. you do such wonderful work.. going to go and look around some more.. thanks so much for sharing your blog..

  14. Oh my! I'm blown away by the stunning looks of this super gorgeous lace book! Beautiful work Sox!

  15. What a "to die for" giveaway! Your creations are definitely works of art and please, count me in. I would be beyond thrilled if I won this beauty!

    I lived for a long time in Brawley, CA and so I know how nice it is right now in Palm Springs. Enjoy it as come March the weather will start to turn to the summer temps. I used to play a game with myself to see if I could go to April 1 before turning on the air conditioning! lol!

    I don't have that problem in E. Michigan. It is the opposite!!

    I am delighted that I found you and am becoming a follower!
    ♥ Jil

  16. This is absolutely breathtaking! Whoever wins it will truly own a treasure. Your work is awesome.

  17. You are such a multi-talented woman! Your lacebooks and beadwork are gorgeous, and the paintings are stunning! I would love to be able to just browse through that collection of lace and fabrics, and I love the way you store it. And I envy your precious studio assistant and your balmy Palm Springs weather. It's -4 here again this morning...brrrr!
    It wonderful to see all of your lovely photos on your blog. Thanks for inviting me.

  18. Step aside Lill... Because she's going to pick MOI!!!!!
    Drooling and sighing and lusting for this gorgeous piece of scrumptiousness
    S'il te plâit!!!

  19. Hi Sox,
    I'm so glad you posted your blog so we can see your amazing art work!
    and tickled your the newest member of our group.
    Even more so that you'll be creating a page in my book. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO.
    I adore your book filled with yummy lace and your beaded jewelry is breathtaking!
    Your newest Follower!
    Hugs Lynn

  20. I can't wait to see your lace tut! I LOVE your work so Pleasssse pick me!

  21. What a beautiful book!! I am so challenged when it comes to lace, but you have perfected it! I am now a follower, as I want to keep up with this beautiful artwork and hope to learn maybe how to get past my dread of using lace in my work
    thanks for a chance to win this!

  22. OMG I just happened upon your blog, you are incredible..your art is wonderful I can't get enough of all the eye candy you have shared, and tutorials to go with it. You are way to generous! I am now a follower, as well as a huge fan! Thank you!

  23. OMG I just happened upon your blog, you are incredible..your art is wonderful I can't get enough of all the eye candy you have shared, and tutorials to go with it. You are way to generous! I am now a follower, as well as a huge fan! Thank you!

  24. This is such a stunning and beautiful piece of art, and I would be honored to have it live at my house! Thanks for such a generous give-away!

  25. Your work is stunning. I would love to be the winner of your lace book. Gorgeous!

  26. Your books and jewelry are exquisite! I would love to win the book you posted!

    Also, I used to spend a lot of time in Palm Springs when I lived in San Diego, so that pic on top got my attention right away. During the time of year when things are foggy, damp, and gray for days on end, we'd hop in the car and head for the desert. Loved those days!

    I really fell in love with your abstracts, particularly the one on the bottom. Lots and lots of talent in one person! I'm sure your studio assistant is a big help. I have one too. He's a Bichon named Mr. Hoot.

  27. Beautiful lace books - and very nice give away!

  28. Very lovely work. Thanks for sharing. I have not worked in fabric as collage myself. Your use of colors and textures looks so interesting. Would definitely return for a tutorial!

  29. Socrates your artwork is absolutely stunning! Just beautiful creations. I will definitely follow you and return for your tutorial. Thank you so much for this opportunity to win one of your creations!

  30. Beautiful work- i enjoyed the photos!

  31. OMG I would love something you made Sox our work is just divine!

  32. Hi doll,

    Thank you so much for the visit. I love the vintage lace so for now, I collect it on Pinterest. Ha! Well, it's my place to dream anyway. Palm Springs sounds warm in contrast to the freezing temps we are seeing here. Brrr! Wishing you a pleasant day. :)


  33. good afternoon, I found you threw the blog party-wow I love your art book, and I love your awesome giveaway. I will be following you to learn more, so glad to have met you. I am Kathy and I am retired and living in missouri-I create with all things fiber-quilting, weaving, rug hooking and more. Kathy

  34. Oh, my, goodness...that lace book is just heavenly and I sure do hope it finds it's way to my house! ;)
    I really look forward to seeing more of your creations, new follower here! Kim

  35. Socrates, Oh I do so love the things you do. Thank you for stopping by and visiting me, so now I came to visit you and very glad I did. It is hard to just stumble upon some good blogs for inspiration. Luckily, it is nice to meet new friends through events like this. I have a weakness for lace and roses. So romantic and feminine. Just lovely.

    Have a great day,

  36. Hello Socrates! Good to meet you and thanks for stopping by today at my blog. Great Party isn't it!
    Jim am so impressed at the work you do with lace, beads and journals.Beautiful work. Have a great day out there in the sun and warmth!!

  37. I like the way you use the lace. I am both a lace knitter and crocheter of lace. You have given me many new thoughts on how to use some of the lace I am creating.

  38. I think Paul and Ben could be the best of friends!


  39. Simply Beautiful!!!!
    You work is amazing.

  40. Thanks for visiting my blog. You craft some beautiful things and I plan to have a look at your tutorials. I'm a new follower.

  41. Thank you for visiting my blog! Gorgeous lace you have! Really nice meeting you and seeing what you create. I would love to own a book like that! Manonx

  42. Your work is so beautiful, really quite breathtaking and I would love the chance to win a piece of it :) Thank you so much for the chance
    - Jeanette

  43. Your work is just beautiful! Anyone would be proud to own a piece of your work. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

  44. What amazing creations! I love the beautiful things you make and will visit you again soon! I'm off to look around your blog some more! Sweet hugs, Diane

  45. I'm a new follower...what beautiful works! I'll come to visit you again and I wait for you on my blog.

  46. wow, what great work. just lovely. i love all the details. mind blowing for me. have a great day. please stop by my blog when you get a chance. take care. ( :

  47. Lovely lace books! I can't wait for your tutorial, I've always been amazed by lace books and have no idea where to start, I have a very small stash of lace that is begging to be used. I also love your beaded necklace that is absolutely amazing. Your blog is wonderful and I am so glad to meet you. Hope you have a wonderful blog hop.


  48. What lovely work you do! I'm so glad you posted on ATT so I could discover your blog.

    Karen Christopherson

  49. Oh Sox, this lace book is just FABULOUS! Gorgeous, beautiful!! I've got you on my read list. Did you say you were doing a tut on this? HOPE so. Thanks for the chance to win. I've got *everything* crossed! LOL
    Doreen aka LuniLadi

  50. Oh, my goodness, this is amazing! I have never seen anything like it, and would LOVE to own this book. Thank you for a chance to own it.

  51. Oh, my goodness, this is amazing! I have never seen anything like it, and would LOVE to own this book. Thank you for a chance to own it.

  52. I know I left a comment somewhere, but apparently not here. So let me repeat myself: you are amazingly talented and I love everything you do! I'm so happy to be in so many groups with you and get to see (and have!) your art in my life.

  53. What great creations. Thanks for the chance to win the book and I can't wait for the tutorial!

  54. This book is BEAUTIFUL, I'd love to win it just so I can feel all the pretty laces. I'd follow you but the button was not there, I'll try later. Shari (cricutrookie)

  55. Sox as always you never fail to inspire me to work harder at my art. The lace book is just gorgeous.
    your mixed media is beautiful and your photography is amazing...I hope you take time to celebrate yourself you deserve too. Hugs

  56. Hello Socrates, nice to meet you! You have a wonderful blog. All your art is so beautiful. You are multi talented! Your oil paintings are gorgeous, well, yes, everything you have shared is gorgeous....but I am partial to oils! And those lace books, wow! Every page is so lovely!

  57. Wow, your fabric collages are amazing. So glad I found your blog via the Grow Your Own Blog party. Sea Witch

  58. Swinging by from the hop! Check out my blog and follow if you'd like!

    Happy Saturday!!

  59. I love lace. I hope to win your beautiful lace book, so artfully put together. I just want to see it in person and pet it!

  60. Hi Socrates! I am so glad to meet you, and discover your amazing talents! Your creations make my heart melt, they are all so gorgeous. Thank you for your visit and kind words, and the chance to win a beautiful piece of art from you!

  61. Hi Socrates! All I can say is Wow! I love your fabric books and that bead embroidered jewelry is right up my alley! I also paint but not abstract, yet! :D You have such a beautiful blog I am so glad I found you amongst the crowd! I just became a follower and will most certainly be back for visits to see more of your beautiful work!
    Beth P

  62. Hi Sox,
    I would love to win your fabulous lace creation!
    I want in on the drawing!
    I'll be crossing my fingers!
    Jen oxox

  63. You have been a busy girl with some new blogs under your belt and new names also!
    You should be so encouraged by all of the wonderful comments left here at the party and so deserved too!
    I wonder if I could be so lucky to own another piece of your lovely artwork!
    I really appreciate being able to share so much of my creative muse with you with you reciprocating.
    Wishing you heaps of success with your renewed blog enthusiasm - I am here if you need any help!
    You know the saying "God helps those who helps themselves" and therefore I know you will receive your rewards! Best of luck!
    Love and hugs,

  64. Love your lace book(s), thanks for the inspiration. I'll become a follower, can't wait for your tutorial!!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Love your lace books and would love to own one.
    But if I'm not the lucky one, then there is your tutorial, so I'm lucky anyway

  67. I just love all your vintage goodies! So much pretty lace and embellishments. I'm visiting from Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party and hope you will stop by for a visit.

  68. Hello Socrates! So nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. First, I have to say you have an adorable studio assistant. And I like your style! Your collage work is absolutely gorgeous. Wow! I look forward to visiting again soon. Take care and have a great day! Tammy

  69. what a lovely book, and a lovely blog. glad i stopped by.

  70. Love the lace, and love to look at your blog. Wish I was in Florida this week! Snowing, 40 mile an hour winds, and temps below zero predicted for the highs next week!

  71. Beautiful photos, Sox. The book you are giving away is STUNNING. The winner is going to be one VERY LUCKY person! Marita

  72. Beautiful photos, Sox. The book you are giving away is STUNNING. The winner is going to be one VERY LUCKY person! Marita

  73. Oh my gosh, I love your lace books. I make them too -- similar -- and call them fabric journals! I am a textile lover, too. I hope you'll come by and visit!

  74. Hi Socrates,

    So nice to meet you! Your painting and lace books are fabulous. I want to thank you for visiting with me and for leaving a comment. I have my giveaway details posted now if you'd like to take a peek. Your comment already has you entered for it.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Steph ♥

  75. All of your creations are wonderful, but your lace books really captured my chart!!
    Thanks for a chance to win ~

  76. Anything lace and I'm in. This is beautiful! Love it!

    p.s. I love your blog and your sweet little dog too ♥

  77. Wow. Your lace books are beautiful. Love your artistry.

    Thanks for stopping by Bird Lady Blog Socrates!

    ~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

  78. Wow! Stunning beautiful lace book!! Very talented!

  79. Hi Socrates,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I love your work. Of course I'm sure you know by now it ALL appeals to me if it's fabric or lace. But your paintings are absolutely wonderful too! How talented you are!

  80. What a delight to meet you, Socrates! I found you through the blog party and as I am part of it also I would love to have you drop by my blog as we share a love of vintage laces and books! If one must have an addiction, thank heavens it's to collecting these bits and pieces of trims! Although I do have an affinity to "collecting" chocolate, too!! LOL Anyway, I would love to be part of your give-away and would treasure the lace book. Keeping my fingers crossed!! Your newest follower (don't we all love returning company??)...
    Kadee at

  81. oh how I love your books!! and your paintings! they just brightened up the day here where it is 19 and a gray overcast hangs low. Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog party. I have so much lace here---and vintage linens. i have made several altered books and love the way they just call out to be remade and picked up over and over again.

    A friend just presented me with an altered book at lunch this past week. She had seen many of mine but this was her first. It made me cry. Hope your party is great.

  82. Thanks to Vicki, I'm finding fabulous new blogs to visit, and follow, such as yours. Your work is lovely and I'm looking forward to learning much more.
    Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

  83. Your lace books are wonderful to look at in pictures! I cannot imagine touching and seeing one up close! I have a very small collection of things that look similar to what you have put into works of art! I will be back for that tutorial!!

  84. Holly Molly Socrates! The books are beautiful but the necklace and the bracelet are stunning! I would die to have one like that. You've got me, I'm your follower for life! I've lost my heart in San Francisco, there is not much more I have to loose.

    Evalina, This and that...

  85. Hi Socrates,
    You have some lovely and unique work! Thanks for sharing it with us. Glad to meet you! And what a lovely space for creating. Someday!

  86. You are very talented. I will enjoy following you. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

  87. This is a beautful book and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win one! I can't imagine the number of hours it takes to put one of these books together. I guess I should be on the look out for old doilies and lace trimmings at garage sales.

  88. Beautiful blog and I love your lovely giveaway...
    I am looking forward to more inspiration posts from you :D

  89. Hello Socrates! Love your creativity, you are very talented! I also love antique lace, hope you can visit, so nice to meet you, I will definately be following, hope you can do the same with me! Have a good week, Celeste

  90. Hi Socrates, wow amazing art work, very creative!!! So glad I found your blog through the GYB party! Looking forward to visiting often for more inspiration!!!!

  91. Wow!! So amazing!! What a wonderful draw.

  92. Your journals are wonderful. I see that you have a love for vintage lace and trims, just as I do. I would like to come back here often to see what you are creating next. I am a new follower.
    It is 1 degree here this am, burrrr!
    Have a wonderful week.

  93. Your journals are so beautiful. I love your blog too.
    Enjoy your week..happy creating!
    Tami @ pinkbuttercreme

  94. I absolutely LOVE your lace journals and can't wait to see the tutorials. Not that I have time to make one LOL. Am too busy with mail art and event staging. So winning one would be the best thing that could happen!
    Lois K

  95. First of all thank you for stopping by and visiting Girl Unwinding :-)
    Your art work is wonderful! I love your color pallet; they have a very deep dimensional quality to them. I look forward to seeing your tutorial. Enjoy the rest of the blog hop!!

  96. This is brilliant! I have a drawer full of stuff that I brought home from Paris - this would be an absolutely perfect receptacle for my souvenirs. Also that necklace that you have posted is fabulous....
    You sure do beautiful work

  97. Thank you for visiting Girasole Farm via GYB.
    I am fascinated by your lace books. Honestly, I have never seen anything similar.
    They are simply charming.
    I'm looking forward to your tutorial, and will be following along to get to know you better.
    - Becka @ Girasole Farm

  98. Simply beautiful! Anxious to see the tute. Yours are so gorgeous!
    Have a great week!

  99. You make lovely things - aren't you talented?! Thank you for popping over to see me and for leaving a comment!

  100. Seeing the work you do, that my friend Marita does, shows the creativity that abounds in our world; thank you for adding beauty to life.

  101. What beautiful books you design. I look forward to following your blog. Thanks for stopping by.

  102. These book are wonderful I love anything French or Parisian, and would love to win! I'm in one of your groups. Thanks so much for the chance.

    Mary Dean

  103. I was so happy to meet you. Your arty creations are so lovely. Hope we can get together and make art. I bet i can get Pam to join us:)) nancy mayer

  104. Your work is so beautiful. I love the vintage Paris lace journal. It is so feminine and delicate looking. Thanks for a chanc to win.

  105. Your work is stunning! I absolutely love the lace books and beadwork. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a follower now and I will certainly be back for more ~ Laura

  106. Socrates,
    Beautiful artwork. Loved visiting your blog today. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  107. Oh my God! These items are just remarkable. I would love to be entered in the giveaway for a lace book.

    In fact I think I will beg a bit - pick me! pick me! pick me! :-)

    Anyway, I am also making something for my giveaway on my blog. I am a novice weaver and I am making a hand woven scarf in shades of purple.

    I would love to have you visit.


  108. Your vintage Paris journal is truly gorgeous. You are a very creative and talented person. Your beading is also very beautiful. I have become a follower and I look forward to seeing many more of your lovely art. Hugs Judy

  109. Hello Socrates, good to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog. What a beautiful journal.

  110. Thanks again for stopping by my blog :-) Wow, you create in a large spectrum, that is amazing!! I really do like your paintings! Is the comment how we enter to win? Count me in!

  111. Hi Socrates, I'm stopping by from the blog hop to say hell and let you know I think your work is just beautiful and what an awesome giveaway.
    I hope you can stop by I love creating fabric journals and many other things as well.
    Have a wonderful creative week!
    Hugs Marilou of Lulu's Lovlies

  112. Sorry I left the o of of Hello, whoops:)
    Hugs and lol Marilou

  113. Oh your work is beautiful! I adore those books you create. Thank you so much for visiting my blog; I am so pleased to have found you and will be Following so I don't miss a thing in the future!

  114. Your artwork is gorgeous. Please enter me in your giveaway. I am a follower of your blog!

  115. You are amazingly talented,and I have loved finding your blog through the GYB party. I am a new follower here, and I think you would love my blogs too. I also am giving away a French Pillow.

  116. Hi,

    I love your books, I wish I had the knack to make one as I have plenty of supplies on hand, but I have never seen one actually in person - I have seen lots of beautiful ones and I think yours are some of the best because you blend so many things. Please enter me in your contest, I would love to have a book of yours on my coffee table for everyone to see!!

  117. What lovely creations! You're so talented.... I came across your blog on the GYB hop!

  118. Wow I am so excited to see your lovely blog! I have only recently started to play with collage work, and I'm always pinning lovely things to my board. I found YOU through pinterst originally, and now I'm hooked! I would love to be the winner of one of your gorgeous items. Please add me to the giveaway, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your tutorial help on creating a collage! Freezer paper is already in my possession!!!

  119. Your work is beautiful! I love your painting - very expressive and lively- and the lace work is gorgeous. I like to use lace at times too - both in my jewellery (brooches and painting).

  120. Happy to have found your beautiful blog. Your lace books are is your gorgeous giveaway! Your beading: magnificent! You are one talented lady.

    Would love to have you visit my blog as well! Becoming a follower of yours; wanting to follow along with your lace book tutorial :-)

  121. Wow, you have some truly amazaing pieces! I love these journals, I've never seen anything like it! So nice to meet you. I'm a new follower from GYBP!


  122. Hello Socrates, I'm hopping over form GYB. My, it's taking some time to get thru the list. I'm also an artist so am really taken with your lovely abstracts. I love bits of lace and sparkly things and your books just look magical and I can't believe you can make such lovely jewelry! (Actually, I do believe it)You have the proper studio assistant in my mind; quiet and diplomatic. That's how it should be. I'm thrilled you go to garage too...and thrift shops and Ebay...all great places for vintage bits and pieces. I live part of the year in Vancouver, Canada and the other part in Oxfodshire England, where i go to car boot sales, a sort of flea market. Great place to find bits of vintage. I've followed so I'll see you soon. :)

  123. What beautiful artwork! Hard to choose what I like best!Love,love the beaded exquisite!I also love the fabric journals and I have started working on some so I am thankful for your tutorial!I am your newest follower!Hope you will come visit my blog!Thanks!!!!

  124. Hello, it is nice to meet you. I am your newest follower. I adore old lace and doilies and I am looking forward to your future creations and tutorials. Great blog!!

  125. Sox, your art is GORGEOUS!!!! Love the jewelry, your abstracts, but your lace journals are fabulous! I became a follower so I can come back!

  126. Wow Socrates! Your work is so beautiful. I love it so much. I would really love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you.

  127. I sure wish I had just a little but if your talent my friend!! Your artwork is just amazing and I am tickled that I actually got to hold some if it!!!
    Give Paul a hug for me!

    Warm Hugs to you!!

  128. Supposed to say, little bit...

    Autocorrect at its best!!!


  129. I am so inspired by your work. It is just lovely. Would love to win it. Nice to meet you. I am your new follower.

  130. I'm having so much fun at the Blog Party. I love, love, love your work! Great inspirational blog!

    Aloha from Vicki

  131. I just found you thru Suzy Quaife's blog and I am so glad I did. I am in love with your lace books and am going to make one following your tutorial. thank you for being so generous to offer this to us. I have a collection of old laces and cabinet cards so am ready to go.



  132. Your blog is wonderful - all of the lace pieces are so lovely, and your tutorials are great! Please enter me in your giveaway; the journal looks so pretty.

    Less B*tching, More Stitching!

  133. Wonderful internet site! I am loving it!! Will be back afterwards to read some much more. I am taking your feeds also
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