Las Vegas might seem like an unlikely location for an art retreat, but no matter, on my second day of the retreat, I have to say it's a complete success.
Yesterday, I learned to work with faux bone, use a bench saw and all sorts of techniques that I'm sure will come in handy. Rober Dancik was a fine instructor, and his own work is simply amazing. I now know several ways to make a hinge, you never know when you need a hinge.
And just in case I need a hinge, I learned another way to make one today in a fantastic class with Thomas Ashman. We made tiny glass and copper journals. I totally adored it.
I must admit there was a time towards the end when the glass had to be fitted between fiddly bits of tin and held by a zillion rivets and bolts when 4-letter words might have been heard from my direction, and I really thought that tin was going to win.
But... patience, success, advice, a few tricks, and voila....
Front and back of my own.
Here we are at the Bally's casino, with torches, volatile chemicals, and it was just a blast. Well, it wasn't, we dind't blow ourselves up, but you know what I mean.
Below are Thomas the Black Sheep's own work:
Just gorgeous, aged, funky looking books. I still have to add the charms to mine, I'll be doing that tonight.

Completely satisfied with this workshop.
Tomorrow, I'll be more in my comfort zone, back to painting in various forms.